Friday, October 18, 2013

see, this is the kind of thing that i find virtually impossible to stand in solidarity with.

some imbecile actually gave me shit for saying "north america" instead of "turtle island". that's infuriating! it's like being corrected for my heliocentrism.

i will simply not, under any circumstance, in the context of any people, religion or culture, support the reconstruction of nationalist mythology.

i mean, from where i'm standing here, i'm in a long tradition of attacking, marginalizing, rejecting and abolishing christianity. there's been some setbacks, recently. but, i remain positive that, within a few generations, with enough education, christianity can be rooted out once and for all.

i stand in solidarity with my fellow atheists the world over that want to abolish judaism, islam, hinduism, buddhism....and fucking confucianism, maybe most of all...

....and you expect me to respect *this*?

no thanks. i think i'll stick to arguing for educational parity on and off reserve.

at least 'turtles all the way down' has an interesting paradox attached to it. this is merely RUBBISH.