Friday, November 8, 2013

marx & engels - manifesto of the communist party

required reading

so, this is that "bad" little book, huh? while historically important, the text will be unlikely to shock modern youth, except perhaps in it's portrayal of communists as something less than evil, vampiric beings from outer space.

that appears to have been the point as the european media was then launching intense rhetorical attacks upon the communist revolutionaries that, in addition to reasoned debate, also included slur campaigns, personal attacks, police state repression and flat-out lies. hysterical over-reactions to leftist ideas were not isolated to the united states in the 1950s, they go back to well before the era of revolution, back to questionable crusades launched against communal, and conveniently heretic, settlements throughout the mediterranean and still further back to the roman civil wars. they are inarguably still with us today. the text was written just long enough after the french revolution had failed that various tweaked attempts to rekindle the revolution were beginning to pop up in the capitals of europe. the revolts of the mid-nineteenth century had many of the same goals as the revolts of the mid-to-late eighteenth century, most prominently the overthrow of a ruling class (here "bourgeoisie", there "aristocracy"), a revival of democracy and a return to a scientific, rationalist pre-christian greco-roman society. fear of enslavement by industrialization fuses with hope that technology will be able to revolutionize society; the idea was never to destroy production but to ensure that compassionate humans are always in control, never machines that lack the ability for empathy. despite what eventually came of marxism, it's important to understand this manifesto within this historical context; communism was meant as the new rationalism and the new democracy, a democracy of labour, as an attempt to correct the errors that led to the failure of the first revolution.

it's within this historical irony that the manifesto surprises. today, nobody picks up the communist manifesto expecting to read about how democracy is the ideal form of government. nobody expects marx to describe how the "historical struggle" for democracy will end up with communism, and may even think that these concepts are inconsistent with each other. here he argues against the exploitation of children, there for the fair and equal treatment of women and somewhere else for universal education. the communist future will have no state, no laws, no crime, no class and no inequality.

now, it should be noted that all of that sounds a little bit utopian and it's easy to accuse marx of naivety because of it. however, the manifesto was written for an existing audience of communists and authors more than it was written as a sterile delve into academic theory and there are more than a few passages that, in their simplicity, seem designed to convince the irrigorous, not lay out the theory in intricate detail. this text is a political document. it is a propaganda pamphlet designed to organize growing resistance under the control of a director and was used in precisely that way to stir up several revolts.

it should also be pointed out that marx had less than utter disdain for the bourgeoisie, although he certainly exaggerates his outrage throughout the text. marx saw the bourgeoisie itself as characteristic of a sort of failed revolution, the remnants of an upheaval in class and technology that usurped power from the aristocracy during industrialization. he points out some of the positive aspects of this failed revolution, suggesting that it was not a totally lost opportunity to improve living conditions: the collapse of feudalism (even if what replaced it is not much better), urbanization and the rescue of "a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life", unheard of levels of production leading to more and more goods to be used by proles and bourgeois alike, etc. what he attacks is the failure of the bourgeoisie to take these reforms to the next step. he speaks about the failure of the bourgeoisie to bring democracy to europe, indeed of their construction of a new form of "despotism" instead, and the slave-like conditions that exploited workers, viewed as little more than cogs within machines, were forced to endure in order to reap larger and larger profits for the bourgeoisie as they expanded into greater and greater markets. his solution was simple and really quite rational: the only way to ensure that factory workers are not exploited is to allow them to run their own factories. when all of the theory, jargon and rationalizing of thousands of pages of writing by marx and engels is stripped to it's very core, giving workers control of the means of production to ensure that they can never be enslaved by an upper class is really all there is to the central idea of marx' philosophy. it's an idea that actually strikes me as heavily influenced by jefferson's argument for the separation of powers as it is based upon the same simple idea that the only way to avoid despotism is through making it very, very difficult to gather the instruments of control under a single pair of hands.

the value in reading this short text is to strip yourself away from the staggering level of ignorance that exists around marx in the west today. prepare to be surprised as the biases that the media has injected within you for your whole life are disintegrated by the simple task of actually reading the source material. be prepared to recognize that, ultimately, and despite the idiosyncrasies inherent within his writing, marx was merely another left-libertarian in the meta-liberal tradition of jefferson and mills. finally, be prepared to learn why, despite the allure of the status of being labelled that way, you are probably actually not a communist.

of further interest...

- marx presents the argument that only the proletariat has potential as a revolutionary class, but doesn't specify whether he's speaking of workers specifically or what he would call the lumpenproletariat. this is a specific point of contention within socialist thought. do wage labourers really have revolutionary potential or did marx completely goof on this point?

- what we would today call "small business owners" (marx would include the self-employed) are presented as conservative reactionaries with zero revolutionary potential. i think this is a very astute point that is currently lost on a lot of people. supporting small business over large business may be consistent with free market liberalism, but it is not consistent with socialism.

- the communists are more or less defined as the vanguard of the proletariat.

- marx separates between personal and private property, but he does so in a way that upholds the idea of exchanging labour for personal property. this is another issue that would be hotly debated amongst socialists: if the practice of exchanging labour for wages to purchase personal property is maintained, class will persevere and capitalism will not truly be abolished. marx explicitly states that he does not wish to abolish the wage system but only aims to make it more fair. while marx may be enraged by the suggestion, that really reduces his system to a type of reformed capitalism. many socialists and anarchists have pointed this out.

- his definition of the minimum wage as the minimum expenditure required to keep labourers alive (and producing) is very clear-minded in the context of understanding wage labour as a form of slavery. yet, he only suggests a more enlightened form of that slavery, rather than emancipation from it.

- abolishing the family is presented as a necessary task to achieve the full individual freedom of women and children. in this, we see marx' liberal individualism defining his concepts of socialism. marxism is not to be thought of as a type of collectivism, but as a means of rescuing the individual from the collectivization inherent within socialized production.

- marx' attack on proudhon is a little bit weird, but not really wrong. he calls him a bourgeois socialist and accuses him of wanting a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. proudhon's ideas strike me more as a type of gestating anarcho-capitalism, a classical liberalism, than a type of socialism. where marx is right is that it isn't revolutionary in thought (society would remain ordered by markets) and will not lead to an emancipation of the proletariat. but, what he seems to miss is that his own system shares the same point of failure.

full text here: