Thursday, August 29, 2019

and, no - i'm not going to retract....concerns....about the legitimacy of the last election in ontario.

i don't want to do the research right now and find the sources - i'm too far behind on what i'm doing - but i will draw your attention to the curious fact that ford's approval rating a few months after he was elected was essentially the same as his approval rating a few months before he was elected.

if you were to collect this data and graph it, you'd get this weird normal curve, or parabola, depending on your analogy.

so, we're left with two ways to analyze the situation.

1) ford managed to dramatically increase his popularity exactly where and when he needed to, and then lost all the support he somehow gained immediately after he gained it.
2) bullllllshiiiiiiit.

given that he brought in the same people that were accused of doing this in the 2011 federal election, and it happened in the same places, i'm leaning towards 2).

and, i wonder.

what are these guys up to just right now, anyways?