Thursday, August 29, 2019

it's ultimately a definitional question.

i'm not interpreting muslims as a repressed minority; if i did, i might see the situation differently. queers are a repressed minority, certainly. native americans are. african-americans are. i tend to stand with them, against the systems that repress them. but, muslims, like other asian groups, actually tend to do fairly well. who is oppressing the muslims?

rather, i'm interpreting islam as a system of repressive rules that wants to oppress people. like christianity. or capitalism. or, yes, fascism. so, i'm pushing back against the ideology on that level - this is a system that wants to hurt people.

to draw an equivalence between queers and muslims would consequently be to draw a parallel between the oppressed and the oppressors. and, i won't do that.

because i'm not phishing for votes.