Thursday, August 29, 2019

like i say, this is tricky.

because i want them to organize and represent themselves, if they are here....that is, i don't want an apolitical mass of recent immigrants, i want them to participate....and, yet, i know i'll end up fighting against them if they do.

harmonious multiculturalism is just a burkean conservative fantasy reality. their religion is going to guide their politics, and i'm going to end up on the other side of it - if not brutally targeted by it.

so, what we're left with is two choices: either try very hard to pull them away from their faith and identity and all of the oppression and hate that comes with it, or put up barriers to entry. once again: what doesn't work is laissez-faire neo-liberalism on immigration policy.

in canada, the population is still quite small. we can talk about spending more money on integration, still. in gemany, they let the issue get out of hand, and it's created a mess.

the first step is for the political establishment to take responsibility for creating the problem via insufficient attention to integration programs.