Friday, October 11, 2019

if you're pissed off about the liberals winning another majority, and i don't exactly want that outcome, you need to look at the opposition.

elizabeth may is a christian neo-con; she's dangerous. i can't vote for her to hold any balance of anything.

and, jagmeet singh is a blank slate. we really don't have a clue what his politics actually are, or what will happen if we give him any power. but, he represents a party that has a history of turning on it's own voting base. and, he won't cut that damned beard...indicating he operates ideologically and idealistically, rather than rationally or logically.

i don't want to return the liberals to power - they don't deserve it.

but, there's not a better option.

just a few more days before i drop my sig, there, but - 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this

and, we don't seem to have much of any choice but to hope they do.