Saturday, October 12, 2019

there's something odd in the numbers, though - it seems like the ndp is eating more into the conservatives than the liberals. that's hard to make sense of in any other way besides a bradley effect, or just random fluctuations.

it's also a long weekend in canada.

yeah, i'm backing myself up on that - i'm retracting my statement. these numbers are weird. i want more data before i conclude there's a signal. it could just be that it's harder to reach conservatives this weekend, and easier to reach new democrats - because conservatives are going to care more about thanksgiving, and be more likely to go away and stuff like that.

i wish he'd post the regional breakdowns...

i have to concede that there is movement, and it is substantive. but, it's weird. and i'm not convinced it's real - this might be a bradley effect, and it might be a sample bias over the weekend.

we'll see how it works out.

but, it spooked me into committing to actually getting out to vote against singh, and i'm not backtracking on that.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this