Saturday, October 12, 2019

when i agree with the ndp on social policy, it's usually by accident - they generally take a path that involves a lot of moralizing and soul-searching, whereas i just want to look at the evidence.

so, with the gays, for example.

the ndp were awful on queer issues for a long time, because they were a christian party. but, as the christian left has evolved, they've taken on your usual contrived christian-left positions. you love the sinner, but hate the sin. you accept god's creation. all that kind of bullshit.

so, you look at their policies on the surface, and they seem relatively decent, but when you scratch the surface, you realize they're actually awful.

trudeau's father had the famous line - the government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation. and, i'm far more in agreement with this than i am with some mental gymnastics about religious tolerance.

but, my actual position is that the science is pretty clear that we actually exist in nature - that this is just biologically normal.

this is just one example. these subtleties are across the spectrum of issues, and underlie my extreme discomfort in supporting so-called left-religionists - our agreement is actually quite shallow, and any coalition is unlikely to last very long.

i need to be supporting secularism as best as i can, not pretending i agree with these groups, when i don't.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this