Saturday, October 12, 2019

again - i don't have memories of head trauma. maybe that's the point, though? maybe i wasn't drunk; maybe i hit my head. naw....

there's no bumps. no scrapes. i had a couple of small bruises on my arms and legs that could have been from anything and are mostly healed. there's really no sign of this...

it's gotta be bacteria.

and, my mind keeps coming back to that shit that was floating in my beer.

i'm not even 40 yet, i shouldn't need penicillin, unless i hit it hard. maybe i hit a really crusty, diseased bong on friday at the earthless show. hey, kids. it's not a joke - you need to protect yourself from crusty bongs. crusty dongs, too. but, we're talking about crusty bongs...

bong condoms? well, we all want to reduce the risk, right?

and, dude, if you're reading this: clean your bong. your dong, too. but this is about your bong.

what if i'm allergic to penicillin, though? i'm trying to remember the last time i had some. wisdom teeth, maybe? that was, like, 2000 or something.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this