Saturday, October 12, 2019

so, why don't i just vote conservative?

because i'm a communist - i don't believe in free markets, i want high taxes for the rich, etc.

this is the fundamental point i'm trying to get across: the pseudo-left is too liberal, meaning not socialist enough. if the ndp and greens are just going to run as pro-market liberal parties, what's the point? just let the liberals govern.

i'm not a values voter. i don't want to "save the country's heritage". i'm an atheist - i want to move forwards into a science-focused reality.

the party with the neo-con christian minister doesn't seem very socialist to me; nor does the party with the straight edge sikh that is so religious that he won't cut his beard.

if there was an actual leftist party here that supported actual left-wing principles, i'd be all over it. but we don't have that - we have three liberal parties, and i'm more comfortable with the real thing than the fakers.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this