Saturday, October 12, 2019

so, i want a secular party with a science-based policy agenda. let's look at the options.

1) are the conservatives a secular party with a science-based policy agenda? no. they're a conservative values party with a religion-centered policy agenda. next.

2) are the liberals a secular party with a science-based policy agenda? you know, they used to be one, and they still talk that way. it's kind of up in the air. but, they at least have a history of it.

3) are the ndp a secular party with a science-based policy agenda? no. they came out of the prairie gospel, built themselves up on the back of a christian eugenicist and are being led by a fundamentalist sikh. they've historically been the christian left, and they still don't seem to care much about science as an operating policy.

4) are the greens a secular party with a science-based policy agenda? i was hoping they would be. and, maybe they might become one. but, not with their "jesus is my daddy" current leader.

5) are the bloc a secular party with a science-based policy agenda? yes. but, i can't vote for them.

6) is the ppc a secular party with a science-based policy agenda? no. they reject science, outright.

so, while i'm actually an anarcho-communist, i'm a natural liberal, here, in this spectrum. there's no bakuninist-kropotkinist party. as an anarchist, a secularist and an atheist, there are reasons i tend to lean towards the liberals - and not the so-called "christian left".

but, the liberals want to abandon their legacy, and the greens are not yet ready to move into it.

if i could find a way to get a secularist, science-focused green party to hover over trudeau until he's gone, that would be a step forwards. but, i don't want the "left-religionist" ndp hovering over him - that would be a step backwards.

the best i can do is do my part to put the liberals back in and keep shit disturbing.

and, the way they're going to win this is to take seats away from the conservatives and the ndp in ontario. i can make a difference. i should.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this