Saturday, October 12, 2019

would i actually vote bloc if i was in quebec?

it would really depend on the candidate.

i don't think this debate was likely to change anybody's mind, unless you were a green supporter - while may was plucky and aggressive in the english debate, she came off as whiny and annoying, here. singh came off as a clown in both debates, imo. trudeau does in fact continue to remind me of harper, but what do you do when the opposition is this bad?

that leaves blanchet, and while i'm not sure his performance would have swayed my vote, he didn't do anything to lose it - except that strange comment about supply management that i think should be followed up on.

so, i guess my takeaway is that if the election wasn't between trudeau and blanchet when the night started then it was by the time it ended.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this