Saturday, October 12, 2019

but, if you're going to take the data at face value, what's it actually saying?

i would guess that it's saying that there's a movement amongst recent immigrant voters away from the conservatives to the ndp, and it would be driven mostly by identity. how else do you parse that?

so, is it possible that a lot of recent indian immigrants turned on the debate and said "actually, i like the guy that looks like me better"?

i guess.

but, why were they voting conservative, then?

i know better than to get too rational about identity politics - they don't make sense, and you shouldn't pretend they do. it's voting with your gut. you can't work it out.

but, if that's what we're seeing, it's emergent - this is something we've never seen in this country, before.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this