Saturday, October 12, 2019

i mean, this isn't a new position. i've known this the whole time.

if what i want is secularism and a science-based society, then my best vehicle is the liberals - even if it means starting a fight internally. i'm not getting that from the conservatives.

my goal here the whole time was to force trudeau to resign, to trigger a leadership battle. i never really jumped ship. this was a tactic from the start. i am hoping that trudeau's replacement will be more committed to secularist values, and more interested in putting science at the centre of policy. trudeau talks the talk here, but it's lip service. i want somebody that takes these things seriously.

i'm not a christian. i'm not into saving the country's heritage (i'm not celebrating thanksgiving, this weekend). i don't want free markets. i don't want a petro-state.

i want full communism - and i actually think the liberals are the best way to get there.

so, i mean, i still want trudeau to resign immediately, even if i have to vote for him.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this