Monday, January 13, 2020

so, i was back up this morning around 4:00 and i got knocked off again around 12:00. i decided against reinstalling until later tonight, and tried to get some sleep, but i'm fucking pissy about this and couldn't nod off...

i decided that i'd might as well try and figure out what's going on, why i'm getting these blue screens. i mean, it's clear enough that i'm under cyber attack, but what can i do about it...

the reason i'm getting a different error - a blue screen instead of the lock screen - is that they appear to have changed their tactic. i was able to boot into the os by disabling driver verification again, only to realize a few things:

1) they deleted the firewall logfile. so, i don't have an ip.
2) instead of trying to install a server, now they're trying to install a vpn.

so, as far as i can tell, i was able to successfully delete the server from the winsxs folder. now, they're trying to install a vpn instead.

so, now i have to delete the vpn files from the winsxs folder...

it's bizarre. this person just won't give up. every time i find a way to block a path, they find some other vector. and, what exactly are they looking for?

i was initially under the impression that the purpose of this was to knock me offline, but it seems more clear, now, that they're trying to spy on me, and keep fucking up. so, i still can't imagine this is a kid - this is too much. but what i thought was a tenacious network admin working for an intelligence agency that was trying very hard to knock me offline now appears to be an agent that is actually trying desperately to keep an eye on me.

i don't know how to fix the underlying problem. obviously, he shouldn't be able to hack in via firefox in the first place. but, i seem to be defenseless against it...

so, if he wants me to delete all these infs files and tunneling drivers, i can do that.


when can i stop wasting my time? when i'm dead? it's just endless....

i'll be back up by the morning.