Saturday, July 18, 2020

how we approach baseball here really is a really big difference between canada and latin america, though.

in cuba, for example, they see baseball as a defining part of their culture, and try to use their baseball skills as some kind of proof that they're just as good as the americans are. in latin america, they like baseball because it's american.

canadians, on the other hand, tend to see baseball as something foreign that they don't actually want. we would rather grasp on to hockey as "our sport", cast out baseball as "their sport" and then define ourselves in opposition to america by pointing out that difference.

because, unlike latin americans, canadians very pointedly don't want to be americans. we really do see it as this defining difference, and really do largely reject the sport as alien. but, we're friendly people - and enough of us still find it exciting enough to watch it.

they're just buying into the concept too much and taking it too far and it's going to massively backfire.