Monday, October 5, 2020

and, i need to re-expose a canard.

i don't care about the economy.

when i argue against these shut downs, it has nothing to do with jobs, and nothing to do with business owners. i neither have a job, nor own a business. so, setting this up as "the economy v public health" is just a stupid strawman argument, presented by conservatives trying to justify their authoritarian laws.

what i care about is individual, civil rights. i care about my quality of life - about being able to see a concert, grab a beer, go out and have fun without being locked away to prevent somebody else from getting sick.

it's not about the economy v public health; it's about individual rights v groupthink, and i'll always stand for the individual against the whole, in any scenario, until the end of time.

i'm an anarchist. it's in my bones to reject collectivism, in favour of individuality.