Sunday, October 4, 2020

listen - i've been clear over a long period that i demand the primacy of science, and the science is crystal clear: race only exists in our heads.

there is no biological basis for the concept of race, whatsoever.

and, it's for that reason that i'm all race-politicked out. like, i'm fucking sick of this being at the centre of the discourse - it's imaginary. it doesn't exist. 

so, how else could i react to a politics centred in something that doesn't exist, besides to conclude it's a waste of time, a meaningless distraction & a divide and conquer strategy?

it's not particularly outlandish to demand that the green party focus on the climate, not on race. and, if the party were truly science-centered, it's only comment on race would be that it doesn't exist at all.

if the party wants to walk down the path of pseudo-science into critical race theory, it's going to lose it's base, which doesn't have time for this nonsense. it's that simple.