Thursday, February 25, 2021

so, what's the conclusion i'm coming to with my teeth?

1) i have some crooked teeth and it's causing some gum recession.
2) a few years ago, somebody went over my teeth with some concrete and covered up the roots, making it seem like they were ok.
3) over the last few years - and especially over the last few months - that resin has begun to rot, discolour and in places might be falling out. 
4) as the recession is mostly being caused by crooked teeth, the rotting of the amalgam has exposed a much deeper problem than was previously apparent. 
5) while drilling is no doubt a bad idea, as i don't seem to  have any cavities, i have to do something to fill in the space, which is slowly opening back up. otherwise, my teeth are going to start falling out due to recession, rather than cavitation.

so, what this guy did in 2013 appears to have been very bad and what i can do about it is not all that clear. i could get a bunch of gum grafts, if i could convince somebody to do it.

i did manage to get an audience with "my" dentist (i've seen this dentist briefly, once) for next week where i can run this by him. he told me i have a lot of stains and some substantive recession and suggested i not brush so hard - i think he got the point where others didn't, but undrestimated the severity of the recession, as has everyone. 

i'm hoping that restricting collagenase via medication can help address the problem, and have developed the following tactics:

increase collagen production:
- 100 mg of c with estrogen, supplemental.
- topical collagen. gelatin caps?

inhibit collagenase production:
- collagenase inhibitor (cysteine? low dose tetracyline?)
- white tea for coffee