Monday, June 14, 2021

see, it's interesting to note the hypocrisy on the fake left, here.

when you deface a mosque it's a "hate crime". but, when you deface a church it's "dismantling colonialism" - despite the fact that christianity and islam are essentially the same things, and islam is responsible for inventing colonialism, imperialism and capitalism as we understand these things, today.

the confusion these people have in their minds is that they've decided everything's about race. so, when you have religious bigots that are brown, it's ok - religious bigotry is only bad when white people do it.

i'm not going to repeat the line on the right about this, as my view is the logical opposite of theirs - i don't have any more condemnation for an attack on a church than i would on a mosque, and i support a diversity of tactics in combating religion, even if i think this kind of thing is broadly counterproductive in actually turning people against religion. refer to my recent post about the poor tactical choice of killing muslims as a reaction to the re-encroachment of religion into the legal system.

but, my broader concern is this turn towards religionism on the fake left, and this blurry thinking that leads one to (correctly) look the other way when a church is targeted (unless it's a black church, of course) and (incorrectly) cry "hate crimes!" when a mosque is targeted.

that kind of blurry, inconsistent thinking is going to get us all enslaved by islam.