Tuesday, June 22, 2021

so, what having a rebuilt version of the isomorphism from late 2003 means is that i can salvage a demo version for the single when it comes up. it's the same version as on the art show demo, but it's not normalized (which makes combining the three tracks i cut it into back into a single track very difficult).

mid 2004 was my first re-release phase, so i've now come to the first point in the discography where i started to look backwards and consolidate. while i didn't realize it then, i had made it through the second period of my discography and was starting the third period in earnest. to an extent, i was processing the process that sent me across the country on an absurd trip with no purpose; in that sense, period 3 doesn't really start until june of 2004, but it leaves that year (may of 2003 to may of 2004) as a lost space, where i was both finishing period 2 and starting period 3. the ftaa material that closes in june, 2004 is really period 2; the trivial group material started in late 2002 is really period 3. so, this was a transition period...

the re-releases will appear in the grid as stubs, and i'll try to be as comprehensive as i can be. i'm also going to want to put together some kind of compilation that collects the edits i created in that first moment of looking back, as there are enough for an ep, at least.

further, there were a number of mix cds created at this time that i tried to pass around in novel ways, such as exchanging for cigarettes (i got you to take my cd, didn't i?). i'm shooting darts in the dark with this stuff, and i've known it for years. they could have releases, as well.

but, the next serious release will be the isomorpshism single as inri084ish, so lining this up (which is what i did tonight) will set me up for any potential remixes that are coming.