Saturday, June 12, 2021

i think i've been clear that i'm concerned about the encroaching renormalization of religion that is occurring as a byproduct (intentionally, seemingly) of large scale migration from conservative countries. it should be clear that my concerns are rooted in ideology, not in race - as are the concerns of the people pushing the ideology. this isn't about race, it's about religion - and if it's about religion, it's about control.

and, i support a diversity of tactics.

but, i don't think that killing people is helpful, and these kinds of marches demonstrate why - it just makes people more likely to walk freely into the grips of religious control.

...which is why i tend to be very skeptical about news reports of this nature, and tend to avoid commenting on them. i often don't believe that what's being reported is actually true, and i'm often suspicious that events are being manufactured to generate sympathy for the ideologies that the elite wants us to adopt. but, i haven't any evidence of these suspicions. 

what i'll say is that a large interfaith march is an unsettling thing to see, and it makes me feel unsafe and uncomfortable - because it indicates that those who are trying to bring religion back are getting what they want, at the necessary expense of secularism and individual freedom.