Saturday, June 12, 2021

no, all the recent brown immigrants to canada are not going to vote for a fag like jusin trudeau.

rather, they're going to vote for a good manly dumbass like doug ford...

again: this sounds strange to americans, right? immigrants voting for conservatives? what? but, it's well understood that these are the demographic boundaries, here. there's been influential books written about it. all the strategists know all about it.

it's not an ethnic characteristic, which is kind of the stupid mistake that liberals make about brown people and their voting preferences. if you listen closely, you even hear a sense of entitlement in the liberal party about it.

rather, there's two simple facts underlying it:

1) brown people tend to come from more conservative cultures, and our conservative party is actually a conservative party. they readily identify with it, because it's leaps and bounds the closer thing to their cultural value system. they don't have the baggage that the republicans have, either.

2) our immigration system was overhauled by stephen harper and jason kenney (now the premier of alberta) in the 00s to actually target conservatives, and i see no evidence that the liberals have fiddled with it at all, since. so, it's not just that recent immigrants tend to be more conservative in general because they come from more conservative cultures, it's that the immigrants we pick and fast track are specifically chosen and fast-tracked because they're conservatives. our system identifies conservative immigrants and targets them, because it was designed by conservative politicians - they've gotten what they wanted.

the election of doug ford was a little weird in the sense that it was the first time these changes were made obvious, but it didn't surprise anybody and the projections are that his coalition is likely stable for the near future. that's the new toronto, as redesigned by jason kenney.

the question is whether the white flight driven by the pandemic is acting as a catalyst or not...