Monday, July 11, 2016

see, i should be more angry about this than i am. the reason is that i know that this is not a serious commitment. if i thought it was a serious commitment, i'd be livid. it was stupid for us to let the baltic states into nato, and i'd rather kick them out than defend them. i don't want to see a single canadian soldier harmed to defend latvia. if the purpose of nato is now to keep the russians out of their own sphere, then i'm in favour of immediate withdrawal.

latvia is in the russian sphere. the russians will ultimately prevail. it is nothing short of belligerent stupidity to argue otherwise.

but, i know it's just politics.

what i find more interesting is the media narrative. who did they write this article for? the texan association of american veterans? it's just completely disconnected from any concept of canadian self-identity.

canadians don't want to be global protectors, we want to be global mediators.

keep this up, justin, and we're looking at prime minister naomi klein....