Monday, October 21, 2013

getting yelled at by incoherent crazy people that seem to know me (and yet i don't recognize them) is sort of a different experience.

it's led me to an interesting question, though. is there any evidence to suggest that wage slaves in our society suffer from a sort of stockholm syndrome?

....and if it's not stockholm syndrome, what other psychiatric condition might cause that kind of absurd behaviour?

it maybe raises an educational point, though: yelling at people on the street generally just makes them wonder what's wrong with you.

so, if anybody here knows who was yelling at me (or what they were talking about) , i'd just request that a discussion be had with that person about treatment options, whether they've been taking their meds recently, etc.

i'm probably not the person in the highest risk category; i didn't even recognize this person.


"As our work becomes more unpleasant and unnatural to us, ever greater forms of control are needed to ensure that we do it. As machines take over our labour, forces need to be employed to see that idleness does not give way to mischief. Discipline is employed with sadistic readiness, in ever more complex and powerful ways. The obvious power in the batons of the police is matched by the subtle power contained in the stamp of the benefits adviser. The state which we believe to protect us is actually our captor and master. The worker has developed Stockholm syndrome."