Friday, March 8, 2019

i don't know why she''s running as a democrat; this is the kind of language you expect from the libertarian right.

i think we need to move in the opposite direction, and stop wasting resources competing with each other. the tech industry, especially, is a series of natural monopolies; the biggest effect of the microsoft ruling was a massive investment by bill gates into apple (and, if you're going to break anybody up, apple should be the first target), and all that did was create a different type of monopoly. so, in response to a failed policy (with arguably valid intentions), she argues that you need to double down on it. it's the definition of insanity. and, it's a constant with her.

she honestly thinks that the solution to capitalism is more capitalism.

forget sanders/warren. how about an elizabeth warren & ron paul ticket? he's not too old, not judging by the field.

and, in terms of pure strategy, it doesn't make a lot of sense. this is surely going to be deeply unpopular with young people, it's going to be a suicide policy in california and it's going to be broadly rejected by the coffee shop liberals who one would think would be her base.

i shouldn't complain; it is probably better to let her drown herself early.

elizabeth warren: a woman, a plan....a collapse.