Thursday, November 5, 2020

and, i apologize if you misinterpreted my tone.

in politics, cheating is a part of the game; i'm not here to preach to you about morality, i'm here to analyze things as they are. if you're too aloof or morally pristine to get your hands dirty, you're going to lose and might as well stay home. a prince needs to manipulate situations to his or her advantage as opportunities arise, not sit around and worry about what's right and what's wrong.

biden outcheated bernie in the first place, as hillary did four years earlier. as an advocate of universal health care, amongst other things, i don't want to "clean up the system"; what i want is a candidate that knows how to win. as a climate activist, i'm not concerned about counting every vote; what i want is a candidate that will ram through systemic change, without bothering to gather opinions.

so, it seems like trump got outmanoeuvred and lost to a more corrupt foe.
