Wednesday, December 2, 2020

it's a fun fact, though - canada has never had a boomer prime minister. or, not a true one, anyways. the closest thing was harper, but he's in a grey zone.

diefenbaker - 1895 (dead)
pearson - 1897 (dead)
trudeau - 1919 (dead)
clark - 1939
turner - 1929 (dead)
mulroney - 1939
campbell - 1947 <-----unelected caretaker that took over when mulroney resigned. doesn't really count.
chretien - 1934
martin - 1938
harper - 1959   <------- is that a boomer? just barely. it's cusp-y. gen jones. harper was not boomer-y. he was post-reagan, post-mulroney. more alex keaton than steven keaton.
trudeau - 1971. trudeau has actually hilariously called himself a millennial in public and it wasn't seen as pathetic and immature. he's clearly gen x...

what about the opposition leaders?

erin o'toole - 1973
jagmeet singh - 1979

so, it seems like we dodged that catastrophe, thankfully.

there were several more stereotypical boomers that could have won - michael ignatieff, stockwell day, jack layton - but they were all thoroughly rejected. stephane dion, like harper, is a little young to be a boomer, and never really came off as one.